
Easing ourselves back into the gym or other exercise routine

Figuring out how to start working out again after a long absence is a challenge most active people face at some point - be it post-injury, after a holiday break, or in this case, following a global health pandemic. With nationwide gym closures and collective stress levels through the roof, you can be forgiven for falling off your regular training routine and inevitably, the post-lockdown gym environment is going to look and feel different, and your body will have likely changed too. If you were impacted in any way by the pandemic, it’s perfectly normal to have lost some strength, [...]


Improve your mental health with Yoga therapy

Guest article from our yoga therapist, Sammie Mason. Mental health issues are common and sadly have been perpetuated further by the pandemic over the last year. NHS England state that 1 in 4 adults will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem each year, with people from all walks of life being affected, at any point in their lives. Mental health problems can range from worries and stress that we all experience as part of everyday life to more serious longer term conditions. The most common mental health problems include depression and anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety disorder, [...]


Coping with yet more change

As a nation and as a world, we are all suddenly united, as we find ourselves living through the history lessons of the future! Coming out of another lockdown raises mixed emotions for many of us. As decisions are thrust upon us with no option other than to comply, we are awash with feelings that can be alien, and that we do not feel always comfortable dealing with. Well, it needn’t be that way! We can be confident in the knowledge that we are resilient creatures and we have all the coping skills we require to see us through this [...]


A compilation of straight forward tasty healthy recipes from some of our favourite chefs!

Choosing the meals that we serve to our families appears to have taken on a new lease of life! With many of us finding we now have more time at home, we are re-discovering the joy of cooking and baking and turning to our favourite chefs for inspiration. Choosing the meals, we serve to our families has always been a chore.  With so many factors to consider in todays varied lifestyle choices, here we have selected a handful of recipes that are sure to please in the taste department, whilst going easy on the waistline. Many can also be frozen [...]


Meet the therapist – Charles Innes

Why did you want to be a homeopathic doctor? I got ill soon after medical school and after being failed by my own field, medicine, looked elsewhere. It was called Fringe medicine back then and made as much, or more sense than what I was practicing. I retrained eventually in homeopathy then herbalism and healing. I was in time for the surge in popularity in the late 90's when was running a big clinic from which I learned that I do not enjoy the limelight or being the boss. What do you enjoy about it? It teaches you the truth, [...]


How to overcome a fear of injections

When the announcement came that there was a vaccine that could protect us from Covid-19, the whole country felt a surge of joy – finally, a way out of this pandemic. But for those people who hate, or have a phobia of needles and injections, that joy was immediately followed by a burst of anxiety! ‘Can I avoid having the vaccine?’ ‘How am I going to cope?’ ‘How can I get over this fear?’ might be just a few of the thoughts that went through your mind if you are one of these people. The answers would be that it’s [...]


Building strength and resilience – a guest blog from Louise Coyle, our hypnotherapist

Our strength and resilience are being tested this year! Our ability to cope with stress, anxiety, worrying thoughts, boredom, frustration, resentment, anger, loneliness and a range of other emotions has been put under the microscope like never before! So, what can you do to build up your own mental resilience? Read this blog from guest Louise Coyle, our hypnotherapist  


Meet the therapist – Alison Gatt, nutritionalist

Why did you want to be a nutritional therapist? I became fascinated about nutrition when I personally experienced the healing powers of food on health. I realised that one size doesn’t fit all. That was turning point in my interest. I suddenly wanted to show and help others that they too could support their own health by eating the foods suited to them as an individual. What do you enjoy most about it? Oh the list is endless… Changing people’s lives by giving them the control of what they eat. Seeing people regain their energy and that ‘umph’ to enjoy [...]


Honey & turmeric; associated health benefits

You may be aware of the beneficial effects of including honey in our diet and you may have also noticed the number of turmeric products that are now hitting the shelves of the health food stores – but have you ever thought about combining them? A homemade drink known as ‘Golden Milk’, has been taking on quite a following due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which have been seen to reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and other such conditions. Indian spices have long been used as a medicine but you may be surprised to read that raw honey and curcumin, [...]


Corona virus anxiety – advice from Louise Coyle, Hypnotherapist

Are you struggling to deal with understandable worries and anxiety? Are you feeling overwhelmed by what is happening in the world? Learning some simple tools to manage your stress can help you to feel calmer, more relaxed and better able to cope. During a one-hour session (either in person or online) our hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner Louise Coyle can show you a variety of tools to help you manage your anxiety better so you feel calmer, more relaxed and more positive. Get in touch with reception if you would like to arrange an appointment. Corona-anxiety First Aid Package To help [...]
