As a nation and as a world, we are all suddenly united, as we find ourselves living through the history lessons of the future!

Coming out of another lockdown raises mixed emotions for many of us. As decisions are thrust upon us with no option other than to comply, we are awash with feelings that can be alien, and that we do not feel always comfortable dealing with.

Well, it needn’t be that way! We can be confident in the knowledge that we are resilient creatures and we have all the coping skills we require to see us through this drama – we may have just forgotten how to release them!

Let me offer you a brief reminder of how to feel comfortable with being yourself again.

Negative Thoughts: Our thoughts are with us constantly, nattering away and filtering into our emotions: boredom, frustration, loneliness. We don’t normally associate these feelings with ourselves and yet here we are! But it’s ok to have these feelings, truly it is. They are completely normal and are a signal that you are functioning normally. The way to deal with these feelings is to think into them. They are temporary thoughts and feelings and will at some point be a thing of the past! With that in mind, embrace these moments and reflect on those times in your life where you were so frantic trying to achieve everything, that you actually wished for these quiet and peaceful moments.

Have a Plan:  Create a new routine for yourself. Have something practical to do on each day and don’t deviate from it.

Stay Connected: This is a great time to catch up with old forgotten friends and relatives. Zoom is booming and proving a real blessing plus there is Skype, Teams, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger – the list is endless! You may be tired of online family quizzes etc but just remember wishing you didn’t have to go to that family lunch which now seems so desirable – so share birthdays, learn to play chess over your preferred video calling app or just ‘virtually’ be together. It is good for the soul.

No News Is Good News: Don’t watch every single news bulletin. You don’t need to be constantly bombarded with every update. If it’s important, then you will hear it soon enough.

Lose the Guilt: We’ve all daydreamed about lounging around watching trashy TV or reading endless books! Well guess what? You’ve got the perfect opportunity to do just that – guilt free! So, what are you waiting for?

Relax: Guided meditations and relaxation techniques have seen an enormous rise in popularity and they are perfect for those of us who have simply forgotten how to unwind and let go!

And finally sleep! Make sure you keep a regular bedtime routine and enjoy a restful sleep. We will be back at the grindstone before we know it and we need to be ready to hit the ground running!