
A family meal recipe – Teriyaki Salmon

A healthy meal suggestion from our family nutritionalist, Sophie Crosswaite. I discovered this recipe recently and realised it was a winner because it includes everything my rather fussy 8 year-old loves: cucumber; edamame beans; noodles and salmon. It is a great nutritious back to school recipe and it is really quick and easy to make. As a nutritionist I feel I’m always telling people to eat more oily fish because of it’s many health benefits. It is needed for heart health, brain function and bone health and is therefore really beneficial for children who need to concentrate at school [...]


What is seasonal eating and why do it?

The concept of eating seasonally is actually really simple. It involves eating foods that are grown at the same time as you want, or need, to eat them. As most fruits and vegetables are being grown somewhere in the world at any one time, eating seasonally more specifically, concerns eating produce that’s being grown right now – locally. One of the biggest advantages is the health benefits that eating seasonally can bring but the taste is so much better too which has huge bonuses for your diet. Seasonal, local eating, includes eating fresh fruits and vegetables that haven't been processed [...]


Breakfast Cereal Sugar Revealed

We often hear it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and trying to put a healthy cereal in front of our children is something we invest our time and energy into achieving. But how easy is it to put a healthy (and appealing) breakfast in front of our children or even ourselves? Breakfast cereal manufacturers were called to action after a survey by Which! in 2009, that found there were excessive levels of sugar in the cereals marketed specifically towards children. Fast forward a decade and we find ourselves still having to decipher what [...]


Helping new born babies and their mums in successful breast-feeding with the help of Osteopathic treatment

Lactation consultants around the world have been extensively studying the process of muscle movement, (biomechanics) used during sucking, in babies from birth through to weaning. Lactation consultants are trained to assess difficulties, correct positioning, provide emotional support to the mothers, and help babies express their ‘behavioural sequence’ leading to breastfeeding from birth. These professionals however, often feel helpless when the sucking motion continues to produce difficulties in infants despite their advice being given and followed. Osteopathy has been used to help babies improve their sucking technique. In practice the approach appears to be promising and has led to a [...]


Turmeric Chicken Skewers – a recipe

Courtesey of our nutritional therapist, Sophie Crosswaite. This is a recipe that I’ve adapted from one my Mum used to make as soon as it was warm enough to get the BBQ out. It is now a firm favourite with my three girls and a great summer recipe for getting the whole family round the table. This is especially crucial right now with my eldest revising hard for GCSEs. In fact as I’ve just read today, a study by the university of Michigan has concluded that the single strongest predictor of better achievement scores is frequency of and duration [...]


Homeopathic Remedies for Hayfever

As the wonder of Spring starts to emerge with blossoms and seeds creating a new cycle of life with re-awakenings and renewals abounding among the Flora and Fauna, for some individuals it can be the beginning of torment and suffering. This is commonly known as Hay Fever Season. Homeopathy has many remedies that can help a sufferer, either by lessening the attacks or decreasing the intensity. The best time to tackle hay fever for a Homeopath is outside the hay fever season. But mostly people come to homeopathy when an attack starts and the over the counter medications have ceased [...]


Lower back pain during pregnancy

One of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy is lower back pains and up to 80% of women will at some point in their pregnancy experience back problems. During a pregnancy in a healthy woman, the overall body weight gain and posture changes are clear to see. However, other subtle changes such as the softening of ligaments and internal pressures of a growing baby also add stress to the mother's joints, pelvis and spine. These combined factors can result in insomnia, swelling, high blood pressure, exhaustion as well as more severe conditions such as sciatica and pelvic girdle pains.Pain is [...]


The Day 3 Cry – post baby emotions

Most women will experience symptoms three to five days after the birth, such as mood swings, teariness, feeling overwhelmed and anxiety. Often called the 'baby blues' It is thought the symptoms are caused by the rapidly changing hormone levels after the birth and the labour experience. For many it is the day you find yourself crying uncontrollably about ANYTHING! Feeling like you are in a long dark tunnel of endless baby care with no way out and no-one who understands or can help. These symptoms often go away after a few days without needing any more treatment than a [...]


Feeling overwhelmed?

How is it December already? Did I blink and miss a couple of weeks somewhere? Does it feel as though you are on a treadmill of ever-increasing chores dragging you inexorably towards December 25th. Does it all feel rather overwhelming? This time of year can make all but the most super-organised of us feel as though we need to stretch time – otherwise chaos will break out. This year was going to be different. You were going to have all the gifts bought by the end of November and wrapped. December was going to be the time for planning the [...]


What is aromatherapy?

Lets talk about aromatherapy and essential oils. These have got a bad rap over recent years due to some unrealistic claims that have been made surrounding them. However, essential oils can help tremendously with a variety of chronic issues including anxiety, depression and migraines. Aromatherapy is the use of distilled plant oils in baths, inhalations, massage etc to treat mental and physical conditions. Aromatherapy has an extensive history having been used for thousands of years. Ancient cultures in China, India, Egypt, and elsewhere incorporated aromatic plant components in resins, balms and oils. These natural substances were used for both medical [...]
