
Tackle your fear of flying with Louise Coyle, our Hypnotherapist

If you are beginning to dread your summer holiday because it involves flying then this is for you. Louise will teach you how to build your relaxation skills, ways of reducing your anxiety and coping skills. So you can begin to feel a tingle of excitement rather than dread! Special offer available during May to August '23. Four sessions for the price of three at £255.


A ‘Spring Offering’ for Healthy Body and Peace of Mind

As we transition into spring, we are presented with an opportunity for growth, renewal, and a fresh start. With the newfound energy and optimism that comes with this season, it's the perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. Yoga Therapy is a powerful tool that aims to restore and maintain both physical and mental health through the ancient wisdom and deep understanding of the mind-body relationship. It's an ideal choice for those dealing with mental health or chronic physical conditions, and our goal is to empower each individual to take control of their own well-being. This spring, for [...]


Experience of pain

Guest blog from our hypnotherapist, Louise Coyle Pain is a curious and interesting phenomenon. What happens in our body is only one part of it. An equally important part is what happens in our brain. How are those pain signals interpreted? What do they mean, now and in the future? What are our thoughts about the pain or the injury we have experienced? Our society has made great progress over recent decades in learning how to mend broken bodies and address the physical experience of pain, but we are only just beginning to figure out why it matters to know [...]


Meet the Team – Louise Coyle, hypnotherapist

1. What was the inspiration behind your chosen career path? My role as a hypnotherapist evolved rather than being a conscious decision. I initially worked as a medical journalist and then in PR, writing about diseases and new medicines and whilst I loved these jobs, once the children had come along, I had time to reflect on where I wanted to take my career next. I took a day course on hypnotherapy, then enrolled on another, then a more advance course and it evolved from there. 2. What challenges you most about this role? I think the most challenging thing [...]


Buddha Bowl Lunch Meal

Lunchtimes are notoriously difficult meals to plan, especially if you want something a little more exciting than a sandwich but not too much that you ruin your evening meal. As much as we hate falling into the latest 'fad’ trap, this year sees the increasingly popular Buddha bowl take its place as a ‘working lunch’ routine. So, what exactly is a Buddha bowl? Is it really nothing more than a salad? Well of course not! It's a salad... but not as we know it! Buddha bowls tend to be largely vegetarian (although don't let that stop you adding your favourite [...]


Living with Covid in our world

We are learning to accept COVID-19 is here to stay and adapting to living in this climate is essential if we are to keep ourselves and our loved ones comfortable and happy.  In addition to worries about the illness itself and the impact it may have on family members and friends, the current situation globally leaves us with feeling ‘out of control’ . It can be difficult to accept. Even though our perception of ‘control’ might have been a mirage, it is one that has previously given us comfort! Accepting these changes which have come so fast, so out of our [...]


Blueberry & Coconut Oat Smoothie

It’s been well-documented that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and equally well known that it is the one meal that many of us miss. For many of us, our mornings are generally spent dashing around, so finding time to sit and eat any breakfast, let alone a healthy breakfast, escapes us. Wouldn’t it be great then, if we had a breakfast alternative that fitted the healthy bill and that was also quick and easy to prepare? One that you could also take with you ‘on the go’ would be too much ask though surely. Enter the [...]


Breathing…the most natural thing in the world – quite literally!

Our breathing pattern is a huge indicator for how we are feeling at any one time – even subliminally. ‘Slow and steady’ when we are calm and relaxed, and ‘erratic and fast paced’ when we are anxious, nervous, scared or stressed. Finding a method of managing our breathing and ultimately our emotional state, is why so many of us turn to the practice of yoga and meditation. These practices introduce a method of regulating our breathing that will bring us back to a state of relaxation, and have been practiced for thousands of years. Breathing through the physical postures is [...]


Mindfully Menopausal; Managing Menopause Symptoms Naturally

With World Menopause Day this week, we are exploring Mindfulness as a natural alternative to help alleviate Menopause symptoms. Menopause is a natural part of ageing, but it can be difficult to deal with. Menopause officially occurs when menstruation stops and the ovaries cease producing eggs – but this doesn’t happen overnight (unless you have surgery for health reasons). As the ovaries slowly stop responding to the hormones oestrogen and progesterone, physical changes and challenges set in over a period of months or even years – sometimes starting in women as young as 30 through to midlife. Symptoms such as [...]


Yoga and Pilates stretches for runners / cyclists

Cycling and running are brilliant exercises to do, especially for cardiovascular and fat burning benefits. As an added bonus you can try some Yoga too as cycling and running can overuse major muscles such as your hip flexors and hamstrings. Yoga stretches have the benefits of keeping the muscles around the joints strong and aligned which in turn protects the joints when participating in any high impact exercise. Cycling and running or anything that gets your heart rate up is fab for quick fat burning and the great release of endorphins which gives you that feel good factor. However, it [...]
