With specialist advice on sleeping, feeding, colic and other needs for your baby, over a cup of tea with other mums, this informal drop-in allows you to get advice from breast feeding consultants and cranial osteopaths over a range of issues and subject to availability a complementary head and neck massage.
Due to the nature of a Drop-in there may be times where it may not be possible to see everyone or there may be a long wait. We always endeavour to see as many people as possible in the allocated time.
Every Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and costs £10 each. Please note: Registration opens from 9.30am onwards. You will be seen on a first come first served basis.
For further information please call 020 8891 3400.
Buggies: There is a buggy park to the right entrance of the practice, we encourage parents/carers to use this area where possible so there is seating space for other patients.
Parking: We only have one parking space which is allocated for patients attending scheduled appointments. There are pay and display parking bays on Haggard and Stafford Road, as well as Oak lane.