One of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy is lower back pains and up to 80% of women will at some point in their pregnancy experience back problems.
During a pregnancy in a healthy woman, the overall body weight gain and posture changes are clear to see. However, other subtle changes such as the softening of ligaments and internal pressures of a growing baby also add stress to the mother’s joints, pelvis and spine. These combined factors can result in insomnia, swelling, high blood pressure, exhaustion as well as more severe conditions such as sciatica and pelvic girdle pains.
Pain is a sign that your body is struggling to adapt to the physical demands being placed upon it by your growing baby. Help is available, and Osteopathy can help alleviate the discomfort using gentle and safe techniques to support mum and baby throughout pregnancy.
The philosophy of Osteopathy is that structure and function are interrelated and interdependent. Treatments aim to normalise the structure so that it functions as efficiently as possible. Treatments during pregnancy are no different, the aim is to assist the natural process of pregnancy and birth by aiding the body to adapt and align as the pregnancy progresses
Is Osteopathy safe during pregnancy?
There is significant evidence shows that osteopathy is a safe therapy and importantly a drug free approach. Osteopathy can be beneficial to pregnant patients by:
- Easing low back and pelvic pain,
- Easing some of the physical discomforts of pregnancy,
- Helping you understand the changes your body is going through and how you can move in ways to reduce stress on your back,
- Preparation for the demands of labour,
- Assisting the mother to recover after delivery.
Osteopathy after pregnancy
Postnatally and depending on the type of labour experienced, women can have a wide range of physical issues. If you have unresolved childbirth stresses from labour, these can contribute not only to ongoing back problems, but also to difficulties with menstruation, stress incontinence, and bowel problems such as constipation. Osteopathic care helps restore and maintain normal pelvic alignment and mobility which without treatment causes ongoing pain and discomfort.
Also once your baby arrives, you start requiring your body to perform lots of new actions, for example breast feeding, lifting car seats and buggies, carrying your baby and bending over the cot. All this can add to your body’s stresses causing aches and pains! Again Osteopathic treatment can help resolve these allowing you to relax and enjoy your new baby.
The Maris Practice and pregnancy treatments
Here are the Maris Practice we have some exceptionally skilled Osteopaths with specific experience and interest in helping during pregnancy and postnatally offering drop-in clinics for a cup of tea, advice and to meet other parents with young babies.