We are running our antenatal KG Hypnobirthing 3 week course again in July, September and November. This course will give you and your partner the knowledge and the tools to have a positive birth experience and give your baby the best possible start in life.

There is always discussion when you first find out that you are carrying a bundle of joy on how the birth might be and for first time mums (and dads!) that can be a daunting prospect and full of anxiety. Many women approach labour with fear because of the negativity surrounding birth and the assumption that it must involve excruciating pain for the mother. Fear has a physiological effect, making contractions less effective and sometimes derailing normal labour.

This is where this course can help you and your partner. Hypnobirthing is a method of birth preparation using a series of simple but effective techniques that can facilitate a calm and natural birth. Far from being a modern fad, it is logical, rational and there is a strong evidence base for its use.

Hypnobirthing teaches the mother to relax and believe that her body is perfectly designed to give birth; when the mother is relaxed her body can release natural painkillers that are far more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. Women using hypnobirthing report needing little or no pain relief during labour and their babies are born calm and alert. Mothers need less medical intervention, and if they do they report feeling much more able to deal with it. Calm and confident parents are empowered to make informed decisions about their care, which can contribute enormously to a positive birth experience.

The amazing course is run by Rosie Gray who is a Katherine Graves trained hypnobirthing teacher, and postnatal doula. Rosie has been present at over 100+ births and is accredited by the Royal College of midwives. Rosie has experience with VBAC, Caesareans, water births and twins AND is a mother herself and that places her in the perfect place to understand a mother’s perspective.