
When antibiotics are necessary, natural options and post-treatment recovery

Antibiotics are generally very safe but do have side effects. Some patients report symptoms such as stomach upsets, diarrhoea and allergic reactions. According to the NHS, 1 in 10 people experiences side effects that harm the digestive system after taking antibiotics. Around 1 in 15 people are allergic to some types of antibiotics. Therefore, it is generally (in otherwise healthy people) a good idea to let milder illnesses (especially those thought to be caused by viruses) run their course. This helps avoid antibiotic-resistant disease strains developing. Your doctor can advise if an illness is "mild" or not. They can also [...]


Does sugar make you sad?

There has been lots of speculation in the media about a link between sugar and depression. In addition to obesity, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, eating high levels of sugar does have consequences that go far beyond our waistlines. Eating sugar gives your brain a huge surge of a feel-good chemical called dopamine, hence the crave for a sweet treat at the 3pm slump instead of an apple or a carrot. Whole foods, like veggies do not cause the brain to release as much dopamine which means your brain starts to crave and need more sugar to get the same pleasure (it [...]


Getting your dietary protein, calcium & iron from plant-based foods

Meatless Monday is a step being taken by growing numbers of people as we all become more aware about the environmental impact associated with meat production and the health benefits of a plant-based diet. So are the tales that vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are deficient in protein, calcium and iron true? Let's start with why you need these in your diet and take you back to the days of your GCSEs (or O’ levels for some of us!). Protein is required to build and repair body tissues (for example, bone, muscle, blood, skin – all quite important!), make enzymes and [...]


KG Hypnobirthing Courses

We are running our antenatal KG Hypnobirthing 3 week course again in July, September and November. This course will give you and your partner the knowledge and the tools to have a positive birth experience and give your baby the best possible start in life. There is always discussion when you first find out that you are carrying a bundle of joy on how the birth might be and for first time mums (and dads!) that can be a daunting prospect and full of anxiety. Many women approach labour with fear because of the negativity surrounding birth and the assumption [...]


Mindfulness and meditation during pregnancy

Many mums-to-be worry about the physical pain that comes with childbirth. It has been suggested that including mindfulness skills in childbirth education helps women cope with their fears. While many women take childbirth classes to educate themselves about the birth process, many of these courses do not teach skills for coping with childbirth anxiety. That is where mindfulness and meditation can help. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the awareness that arises within you when paying attention in the present moment. During pregnancy, it can help you bond and connect with your unborn baby. A recent study has demonstrated that taking [...]


Turks Head 10k Fun Run 2018

This year we, The Maris Practice, are again sponsoring the Turks Head 10K Fun Run in support of MDS UK and DKMS Delete Blood Cancer. A yearly event that this year takes place on the 10 June starting outside The White Swan on the Riverside in Twickenham – and once the running is over, the party lasts all day and ending up in the Turks Head pub with music, a BBQ, live music, face painting and London Pride! It's one big community party. We will be there at the finish line to help relieve any strains, reduce the following day [...]


Eating for Hormonal Balance

We often underestimate the importance of our hormones when it comes to our health and well-being. We also forget that what we put in our mouths really does have an impact on our bodies hormonal balance. Often unless we have a particular issue with fertility or PMS we don't really give hormones a second thought! Yet these impact on our metabolism, our mood, appetite, skin, sex drive and overall health. What are hormones, exactly? Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. They are secreted into the blood, which transports them to organs [...]


What is Hypnobirthing?

If you’re pregnant you’re probably thinking about what your labour and delivery will be like – from easing any pain with drugs like epidurals or more natural methods such as a birthing pool. Or maybe this all sounds like a foreign language to you! There is one birthing technique that has nothing to do with drugs, and enthusiasts even say that labour doesn’t have to be painful at all. This is called Hypnobirthing Hypnobirthing techniques using breathing and relaxation methods to help your mind and body. You can help your body relax and go through the natural process of giving [...]


Bonding With Your Baby; it isn’t always immediate & why you may feel guilty

Bonding refers to the special attachment that forms between a mother and father and their new baby. That bond is what sends parents rushing into their newborn's room in the middle of the night at the slightest whimper. It's also what makes parents want to instinctively care for and nurture their child. Sometimes, the bond is immediate -- parents fall in love the instant they set eyes on their little "bundle of joy". But other times, even if you've dreamed about meeting your baby for your entire pregnancy, after hours of labour you might just look at your newborn and [...]


Can changing your diet help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME?

The symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) can be very debilitating. These may include short term memory problems, being unable to concentrate, joint pain and stiffness, headaches, IBS, food intolerances and exhaustion. Anybody suffering from a chronic illness needs to pay attention to their diet, but approximately two thirds of CFS / ME sufferers already have gastro intestinal problems, such as heartburn, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, bloating and nausea. To find an appropriate diet is not easy as what suits some sufferers will not suit others, but some basic rules to follow are: Listen to [...]
